
God’s Indwelling Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Old & New Testaments is unavailable, but you can change that!

Does the Holy Spirit do the same things now and in the New Testament times that He did in Old Testament times? God’s Indwelling Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments contains valuable information for pastors, advanced Bible students, and other deeply committed laypersons. God’s Indwelling Presence asks and explores to answer: What are the spiritual differences and similarities...

just as it had filled the tabernacle (Exod 40:34–38). P. W. Comfort correctly notes, “In pre-A.D. 70 Judaism, the Temple represented the one place God had chosen to be uniquely present among his elect people.”47 In the temple, Yahweh was present with His people. He had promised, “I will dwell among [bĕtôk] the sons of Israel” (1 Kgs 6:13). Just as God’s presence in the tabernacle had a sanctifying influence on the people, God’s presence in the temple would incline the people toward obedience.48
Pages 37–38